21 May, 2012 | Melablog - http://www.melablog.it/
ElcomSoft, analisi forense del backup online di iCloudElcomSoft, un noto produttore russo di software d’analisi forense, ha recentemente annunciato l’ultima versione di Phone Password Breaker, un’applicazione in grado di accedere facilmente ai backup online di iCloud, in modo anonimo e soprattutto senza che l’utente ne venga a conoscenza.
21 May, 2012 | iPhoneAddict.fr - http://iphoneaddict.fr/
Phone Password Breaker fouine dans un iPhone via iCloudDécidément, les petits soft de piratages russes lorgnent de plus en plus sur l’éco système des produits Apple. Développé par ElcomSoft, Phone Password Breaker (dont le nom à l’avantage d’être assez limpide quand à ses intentions) permet d’exploiter les failles d’iOS et d’iCloud pour aller fouiner dans les données de votre iPhone. Développé pour être utilisé par des forces de police lors d’enquêtes, rien n’assure que le logiciel ne finira pas entre de mauvaises mains…
21 May, 2012 | Macwelt - http://www.macwelt.de/
Beängstigend: Elcomsoft Phone Password Breaker jetzt auch für die iCloudDass Elcomsoft seinen Phone Password Breaker zur Entschlüsselung von Passwort geschützten Backups auf iPhones und RIM-Blackberrys nur an staatliche Sicherheitsbehörden ausgegeben will, kann das mulmige Gefühl nur leicht dämpfen.
21 May, 2012 | IDM - http://idm.net.au/
Forensic tool discovers iCloud backupElcomSoft has updated its Phone Password Breaker tool with the ability to retrieve user content from password-protected backups created by Apple iOS devices and BlackBerry smartphones, as well as the ability to retrieve iPhones’ user data from iCloud.
20 May, 2012 | Bild.de - http://www.bild.de/
Ermittler können auf persönliche iCloud zugreifen: Spionage-Software sieht all meine iPhone-DatenEine Horrorvorstellung: Jemand verfolgt detailliert, wen ich anrufe, welche Internetseiten ich besuche, sieht meine Fotos – also alles, was ich mit meinem iPhone tue. Inzwischen Realität! Eine Spionage-Software macht es möglich. Die Software mit dem Namen Phone Password Breaker ist in der Lage, alle Daten von Apples iCloud-Service in Echtzeit runterzuladen: also Fotos, SMS, E-Mails, Kalendereinträge, Kontakte.
19 May, 2012 | iPaddisti - http://www.ipaddisti.it/
ElcomSoft ora supera anche la protezione di iCloudCirca un anno fa la ElcomSoft presentò un toolkit che permetteva di accedere a tutti gli account iOS 4.0: tale funzione veniva, ovviamente, concessa soltanto alle istituzioni e alle forze dell’ordine, alle quali viene dato il potere di superare le barriere di sicurezza e invadere la privacy di possibili. Oggi la stessa azienda russa ha presentato uno strumento aggiornato per accedere agli account e ai documenti memorizzati su iCloud: inserendo ID Apple e password sarà possibile accedere anche fisicamente al computer o al dispositivo iOS che sta utilizzando l’utente, così da poter essere controllato in qualsiasi momento.
18 May, 2012 | Daily Mail - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/index.html
Beware of iCloud! Snooping software lets police read everything on your iPhone in real-time without you ever knowingPolice - or anyone with a piece of spying software - can track everything you do on your iPhone without needing physical access to your phone. The software, called Phone Password Breaker, can download all of the data from Apple's iCloud service - which backs up all of your pictures, text messages, emails, calendar appointments, call logs, website you have visited, and contacts. As iPhones sync nearly instantaneously with iCloud, anyone who is listening will have near-instantaneous access to your phone - without the owner noticing a thing.
18 May, 2012 | InformationWeek - http://www.informationweek.com/
Forensic Tool Grabs iPhone, iPad Data RemotelyDigital forensic investigators have a new technique for recovering the data stored on an iPhone or iPad: ElcomSoft has updated its Phone Password Breaker cracking tool to automatically retrieve iOS device backups from the Apple iCloud.
17 May, 2012 | Gizmodo Australia - http://www.gizmodo.com.au/
New Forensics Tool Can Slurp A Phone’s Data Via The CloudThe police don’t even need to touch your phone anymore to know how you’ve been using it. A new off-the-shelf forensics tool lets cops retrieve all the data they want from your iPhone by accessing its contents through iCloud.
17 May, 2012 | Tab Times - http://tabtimes.com/
ElcomSoft's iOS Forensic Toolkit cracks iCloud backupsA Russian company called ElcomSoft says it’s figured out a way to access a user’s online backups stored in Apple’s iCloud service.